
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Week 21

Anthony had his first taste of rice cereal this week. It didn't take him long to catch on that's for sure! He is just getting more and more talkative and active every day. He is trying hard to crawl. But, he just scoots himself backward instead of forwards. It's certainly a challenge to change his diaper and clothes now! He just will not sit still; rolling and kicking and grabbing at everything; wrapping his monkey feet around my arms so I can't do anythng. I feel like I'm going into battle every time I have to change him! =)~ Thanks to Aunt Michelle for watching Anthony twice this week while daddy slept and went to training. I hope you guys enjoyed your walk!


Shawnie said...

Jaime, these are so cute! I love the one of him flying and the drewl hanging out of his mouth, I have old pics of Miles doing that, they are so fun! Your weekly updates are great, I wish I would have done that, to late now :)

Jamie said...

Thanks, Shawn! I enjoy doing the weekly updates.. anytime someone is willing to look at pictures of our baby, I'm more than happy to accommodate them! ;)