
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 22

Anthony just gets more and more fun and more personality everyday; he makes us laugh constantly! It's amazing that we think we can't possibly love him any more than we do. And yet, everyday we fall deeper and deeper in love with him!

Feedings have become a struggle now... Anthony just doesn't want to take the time out of his busy day to be bothered with tedious things like eating, being changed and sleeping! He just doesn't want to miss a moment! Changing him continues to be a battle.. and what makes it worse for me is the fact that a lot of times, when I change Anthony, Daddy comes creeping into the room behind him. So, now Anthony is contantly trying to look over his shoulder at the door while being changed, which makes him flip over! And Daddy thinks it's hilarious that he can help Anthony give me such a hard time!

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