
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 24

Another week with our cutie-pie has passed. My biggest thrill for the week is that Anthony has started saying, "mom and ma ma". I know he doesn't know what he's saying yet. But, it sure is sweet to hear those words! And I knew this time was coming, but it looks like we are going to have to stop swaddling him at night. He sleeps so much better when he's swaddled tight. (We use the "cheater" swaddle that has velcro and he can't bust out). But, now he's started flipping himself over in the swaddle. So, now that he's flipping over, we are going to have to give him use of his arms and stop swaddling. This change could mean less sleep for mommy & daddy at night... or it could be a blessing in disguise; now that he'll have use of his arms, he'll be able to put his pacifier back in his mouth himself. Tonight will be the first night we'll put him to bed without being swaddled.. wish us luck! lol

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