
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

7 months

Our little boy is 7 months old today! Our biggest joy for the week is that Anthony has started sleeping 12 hours straight through the night! Woo Hoo! Well, last night wasn't so great... but, for the week prior, he's been sleeping 7pm to 7am! He's really enjoying his solid foods now; he's opening his mouth for it before we even get the spoon near him. He's on the verge of crawling & sitting up; should be any day now! We went to watch Aaron play baseball on Saturday. On Sunday, Grandma came over for a visit and we took Anthony to the park to ride the swing......... (The video below was taken in the hospital on the night Anthony was born. Daddy just recently found the video camera . So, I hadn't seen this video until just a couple of days ago.)


Crystal Thatcher said...
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Crystal Thatcher said...

Aww! so cute, I miss the new born stage!!! A4 is such a happy baby!!