
Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 31 / He's Crawling! / Easter

Yes, Anthony started crawling on Saturday! It's so funny to see him moving across the floor and getting to things & places he had been admiring from afar. He also sat up on his own for the first time on Thursday night. However, he hasn't done it again since then. On Friday, we gave him his first finger foods; little Gerber cereal snacks for babies. He's working hard to develop that pincer grasp! He is really enjoying the solid foods. It's getting harder and harder to get him to finish a bottle now; he just wants the solids! We colored Easter eggs on Saturday night before Daddy went to work. He had a good time playing with the eggs and trying to get them into his mouth. We celebrated Easter on Sunday morning before Daddy had to scoot off to bed. Anthony crawled to his first Easter basket and tipped the contents right on top of his head! He wore himself out playing with his new books and toys! (Thanks Gramma, Grandpa & Aunt Julie!) And Anthony's new "thing" is shaking his head "no" at everything you say to him; too funny!

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