
Thursday, December 30, 2010

September - December 2010

Finally able to get caught up! Links have been added on the right for pictures for September #2, October 2010, November 2010 & Christmas 2010.

So, it's hard to update for the last 4 months since he changes so much & so quickly! He is certainly talking up a storm now! He likes to introduce himself when he sees other kids; he says, "Hi! I Amphony". Too cute!

We ditched the pacifiers at the end of October. I was expecting a battle on that one. But, it was really a non-issue; thankfully! And I'm so glad we wont see those pacifers covering up his cute face in all his pictures anymore! Anthony is a wiz on our iPhones and likes to snap pictures and listen to music on them. We've started using "time outs" for discipline and although we haven't had to use it too much (because he's just an angel and can do no wrong); it seems pretty effective and he's been very cooperative about staying in place for the 2 minutes.

He's doing well at daycare and looks forward to playing with his friends there. He's really taken an interest in watching mommy cook and loves to help! He sits on the counter and watches me work. He also got to decorate his own cupcakes and baked cake & cookies. He really likes to help with just about everything: laundry, vacuuming, taking out the garbage, etc. And when Mommy or Daddy does something that meets his approval, he says, "goo job, dada"while giving 2 thumbs up! Or cheers us on by saying, "go mama, go"!

We had a great visit from his Gramma & Grandpa at the end of October. Anthony loved looking for "foofies" with Gramma and likes to have coffee with Papa. He even picks up his toy phone and pretends he is talking to them. A few weeks later, his Uncle Jon & Auntie Abbey surprised us with a visit over Thanksgiving. It's so cute how Anthony calls his Uncle Jon, "UncJon". He got to open some of his Christmas presents from them while they were here since Auntie Abbey couldn't wait! =)~  It was really nice to have them here for Thanksgiving. Aunt Michelle hosted another great Thanksgiving dinner! We hope everyone gets to come back for a visit soon! And Anthony really needs a visit with his Uncle Chris and his GG!

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