
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

July #2 - August 2nd

Our little dare devil is keeping us on our toes! Anthony really enjoys jumping to and from the furniture and onto us. But, we have to be ready at all times because he will jump on you whether you are ready or not! We went out for a nice sushi dinner and Anthony kept himself occupied the entire time by playing with his bowl of steamed rice and soy beans. He really enjoys eating the soy beans and popping them out of the shell. We had a nice BBQ over Cindy's house and Anthony had a blast! From the trampoline to the kiddie pool to the electric Jeep, Anthony wore himself out! (He took a 4 hour nap the next day!) He's still loving Blue's Clues and loves dancing to music. Auntie Diane showed him how to dance to "Single Ladies" and there are some really cute videos of it!

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