
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May - new puppy

So, of course the big news is getting a new puppy for Anthony. He just loves having a dog in the house. They are going to be best buddies for sure! Not only does he love having a dog, but he also loves having a dog crate! He plays in it, on it, drags it around the house and outside in the backyard. It's been  a challenge taking Anthony in the backyard lately; he always wants to play with the water hose. And he doesn't care if it's cold outside or if we are wasting water! It sure is hard to tell that little face "no" sometimes! He is adding more words to his vocabulary all the time and is working on his spoon and fork skills. Anthony will hug just about anything now: pots, bagels, cookies, you name it, he will hug it! And he doesn't just hug things, he puts them up to his shoulder and pats them like you would a baby; it's very sweet! The other day we went into the bathroom to get his bath ready and he gave the tub a hug!

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