
Monday, October 5, 2009

September 19 - October 3 2009

OK, it's been awhile since my last post... our trip back to Wisconsin for Jon & Abbey's wedding was great. (I still need to post some of those pics on the blog too!) Anthony was an awesome traveler! He did really well on his first trip on an airplane. Other people even complimented us on how good he was on the plane.

It's getting harder to keep Anthony in the stroller now; he just wants to walk, walk, walk and touch, touch, touch! He's been enjoying the parks now that he can wander around wherever he wants. He points at everything that he wants and says, "this". Grandma has been singing "Old McDonald" to him and he sings along, " Ee i Ee i". (no "o" yet) But, it's very cute! He's learned to open the freezer door. So, that's just another thing we have to chase him away from. He's figured out how to climb up on the couch using the ottoman for a boost.

Anthony "helped" Daddy clean out the garage. He had the best time running around outside carrying his pool noodle and bucket. And just like a little boy would, he took right to digging in the dirt! It was pretty awesome watching out little boy just playing outside on his own for the first time.

I knew that Anthony was the cutest & smartest baby in the world. But, I didn't know that he was the sweetest too! While we were over Cindy's house for a playdate with Alison, she started to cry about something. Anthony just watched her cry and when she finally stopped, he walked over to her and pat her a couple of times on her head! It was just the sweetest thing EVER!

2 new links to pictures on the right!

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