
Monday, July 27, 2009

Weeks 45 & 46

Anthony can easily stand without holding onto any support and he is building up his confidence to walk; his longest stretch has been 6 steps in a row! He has learned to clap his hands and is waving "bye bye" a lot now. We took Anthony to the Boardwalk at Santa Cruz and he enjoyed taking in all the sights. He didn't want to touch the sand at first, but then he took right to it. He seems to be losing interest in eating baby food and wants to eat whatever we have. Sometimes, he wont even take the food from his baby spoon; you have to feed him from a real fork. Anthony has become very interactive; he doesn't just want to be entertained anymore, he wants to entertain us and initiate the interaction. One of the cute things he started doing this past week... He has a big picture book of animals and when you turn the pages and get to the picture of the dog, he kisses the picture. And it's just so cute because the dog is the only picture that he will kiss. (note: there's 2 sets of additional pictures this week. week 45 & week 46)

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