
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weeks 36 & 37

Anthony had his first hair cut! Daddy couldn't take the "long" hair anymore and gave him a little trim. He didn't enjoy it AT ALL. But, he really did need it. Anthony discovered that he can open cabinets and is just relentless about trying to get into them. So, Daddy installed locks on all the kitchen cabinets. We had a fun time visiting our friends Cindy & Alison. He loved watching Alison walk around (she's 14 months old). Anthony is quite the little helper with chores... as I was standing at his dresser folding some clothes and putting them away, I look down and he's standing there pulling the clothes out of the drawer and throwing them over his shoulder! It was so funny! We are very excited about our first vacation as a family. We have to see how he does on a long road trip.... if he's like his Daddy, he will love it! If he's like his Mommy, then not so much! ;)

NOTE: There are 2 new links of pictures on the right (Week 36 & Week 37)

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