
Sunday, November 9, 2008

9 weeks old

We had a routine appointment with the pediatrician this week. The doctor reports that Anthony is very healthy! He weighed in at 15.6lbs and measured 24.75". That puts him in the 99% group for his weight and 96% for length. I can't believe how big he is getting! I wish he'd stay small for awhile!

Daddy went back to work this weekend. We miss him when he's not here!! =( And it only makes me realize that my return to work is fast approaching. I sooo don't want to go back! I need to start buying some Lottery tickets!

We had a visit this weekend from Auntie Diane and cousins Aaron & Kevin. Anthony is fascinated by his cousins; he can't take his eyes off of them. He also really enjoys long conversations with his Auntie.

VIDEO: (if you have trouble viewing the video, you can view it when you click the link for the additional 9 week pictures)

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