
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 20

Thanks for the faux-hawk Daddy! And thanks Gramma and Grandpa for the new hat and monkey!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Week 19 - 1st ride on a swing

The weather has been so nice this past week. Daddy took Anthony for a walk in the park while I was at work. Of course, I was so jealous that I couldn't be out there enjoying the day with them. But, I did get the chance to take Anthony to the park on my day off. We went with our friend Cindy and her two little girls, Hannah & Ali.
Anthony loved the swing and enjoyed watching Hannah & Ali in action!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 18

OK, he was 18 weeks old on 1/11... I'm finally caught up! Anthony had his 4 month "well check" with the doctor. He weighed in at 18.7 lbs and was 25.6" long. His doctor called him a "Chunky Monkey"! =) He did check out healthy though; which is great to hear. He had to have some more vaccinations. But, luckily Daddy was with us at the appointment and kept him distracted during and after the shots. So, this round wasn't as bad as the first ones at 2 months.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 17

Yes, I am behind on posting! I hope to have week 18 posted tomorrow.
Anthony is growing and changing so fast! He is getting more coordinated when he reaches for things and he'll reach for anything around him. He is getting very close to being able to sit up unassisted. He sits a little on his own now but he'll teeter over. If you hold his hands, he will stand up and try to take some steps. He smiles and laughs a lot; especially for his Daddy!